Friday, September 12, 2008
Some recent open access journal material
Charles Ellwood Jones is working towards what he believes will be a fairly lengthy list of open access journals for Ancient Studies, likely to apear in the AWOL series. In the meantime, here are some open access runs of journals which have recently survaced.
Charles Ellwood Jones is the Librarian at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at NYU. From July 2005 to February 2008 he was the Head Librarian at the Blegen Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Before moving to Athens he spent twenty-two years as the Librarian at the Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago.
with especial thanks to him.
Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Egypte [Most of the early volumes of this periodical are available at the Internet Archive]
Archivo Español de Arqueología [The open access component of Archivo Español de Arqueología begins with volume 79 (2006)]
Bulletin of the Society for Arabian Studies [Volume 11 (2006) and following are available online]
Digital Medievalist [2005 - present]
Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens [Volumes 36 (2003) - 38 (2005) are online]
Gladius [The open access component of Gladius begins with volume 19 (1999)]
HistoriaeHuelva arqueológica [1975 - present]
Memorias de historia antigua [1977 - present]
Meroitic Newsletter - A Digital Compilation [Version 1.0 (Issues 1-21,23,24,27,28)]
Oracula - Revista Eletrônica de Pesquisas em Apocalíptica Judaica e Cristã [2005 - present]
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung [Early volumes (ca. 1-25) are available in open access format at the Internet Archive][1977 - present]
Quaternaire: Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire [Volumes 16 (2005) - current, available online at]
Revue Numismatique [Available periods: 1958-2005]
Salduie: Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología [2000 - present]
Trabajos de arqueología Navarra [1979 - present]
Trabajos de Prehistoria [The open access component of Trabajos de Prehistoria begins with volume 60 (2003)]